Our Teachers

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kate whittemore

Kate Whittemore teaches weekly Sea Change Yoga trauma-informed classes to folks at Grace Street Recovery Services, a facility specializing in medically assisted treatment for substance use disorder.

Kate first encountered yoga though modern dance in 2004 and has been deeply in love with yoga practice since 2008. In 2015 she completed a 200-hour teacher training with Todd Norian. Kate is honored to share her love for this practice and the sweetness it awakens both on and off the mat and is especially excited to teach a weekly trauma-informed class for Sea Change at Grace Street Recovery Services.

Yoga has helped Kate re-learn to connect to her own body and being with compassion, and the opportunity to facilitate that healing for others fulfills my highest aspirations as a teacher. She also teaches at Lila East End Yoga, with a focus on physical alignment to guide  students into deeper awareness of their bodies in space, so that practitioners of all levels may avoid injury and experience increased freedom and openness. She believe in the potency of yoga to awaken our sense of creativity and connection - to the world and to ourselves. Kate's intention as a teacher is to support students in moving toward this sense of connectivity to achieve greater balance between mind, body, and heart through cultivating a deep link between breath and body on the mat. When she is not teaching or practicing, you can find Kate waking at dawn, feeding the folks she loves, riding her bike, learning to surf, and talking to animals."