Our Teachers

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Susannah sanfilippo

Susannah Sanfilippo teaches weekly Sea Change Yoga trauma-informed classes at McAuley Residence, a residential treatment facility of Northern Light, providing a comprehensive transitional housing program for women with and without children who are in recovery from drug and alcohol dependency.

Susannah has practiced yoga for over 20 years. She teaches hatha, restorative, slow vinyasa, trauma-focused yoga, moving meditation and chair yoga in group settings and privately. Along with training in classical yoga, she has in-depth studies in: yoga breathing techniques for relaxation, pain reduction and emotional balance; yoga and mindfulness meditation; anatomy of yoga positions; and sensorimotor and somatic practices that enhance kinesthetic awareness. Susannah is also a singer, performer and has a background in the visual arts.

Susannah is a 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, certified by YogaSpirit and is a Y12SR Certified Leader as well as a Yoga Warriors International Instructor and Our Mala Certificate Holder.  She is also a certified Laughter Yoga Leader and the founder of Yoga for your Grieving Heart.